Microsoft Excel VBA Training

Hands-on Classroom Workshop


Familiarity with Microsoft Excel.

Training Overview

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a programming language for spreadsheet programs that provides new data. Participants will learn how to create filters on chaining and incorporate filter criteria.

Excel VBA Training enhance the ability to calculate data through the built-in functions available in Excel. With excellent VBA skills, data processing in Excel can easily automate routine tasks and create charts with sparklines.
VBA in Microsoft Excel Macro is a useful technique that shows participants how to use the functions in this spreadheet program more effectively. VBA also allow to add user-friendly variables and reduces formulas burden used in Excel reports.

Advantages of Using VBA in Microsoft Excel Macro

The best way to create an Excel macro is to code using VBA.

What you will learn?

Making awesome Excel workbook requires a good understanding of Excel features such as Power Query ( Get & Transform Data), tables, cell, styles and formatting options.

Check out  what you can do with Visual Basic in Microsoft Excel. 

Steps to Your First Macro Recording

Examples to Excel tools you can create using VBA.

Role of Assignment & Variables and Declaring Variables, Arrays & Constants (Role of Option Explicit)

Why Collections are a VBA Essential, IF Then (Else, ElseIF) for Conditional Outcomes and Select Case as Alternative for Many IF Statements


Looping in VBA:

1. For Next Counter Loops

2. For Next Nested Loop (Loop through Text & Cells)

3. For Next Reverse Loop (Delete Filtered/Hidden Rows)

Debugging, Handling Errors & Procedure Scope:

1. Debugging Options: Watch, Locals, Immediate Windows & More

2. Error Handling: Different Methods

UserForms & ActiveX Controls

Working with Folders & File:

1. Create CSV File from Data in Excel

2. GetOpenFileName Method: User Selects a File

Working with Arrays in VBA:

1. One Dimensional Arrays (and transferring back to sheet)

2. Dynamic Arrays (size adjusts depending on a condition)

3. Variant Arrays: Quick Method to Write to Cells


What You Will Get?

Hands-on Learning, Taught by Expert

High-quality classrooms that utilize hands-on learning training, intentional spaces, provided with computer and WiFi.

Personalised Mentorship

Get a knowledgeable mentor who guides your learning and is focused on answering your questions, motivating you and keeping you on track.

Continue to Learn with Online Learning

1 Year Access to LMS with step by step videos & guidebook exclusively produced by MU DOT MY PLT.

After Training Support

Get 3 months free email support after your training. Email to our trainer anytime.

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Certificate of Completion Provided

Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion on the last day of training.

Follow Up Training

Every participant entitles for 1 free follow up training. Follow up training will be scheduled in the future. This will help you to catch up your learning.

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Register Now / Get A Quote Now / Request Brochure

In-Person/Virtual Training

Clients can attend the in-person training at our computer lab or join the virtual training. Pay per person.

In-House Training​

Conduct this training at your office anytime, anywhere. Maximum attendance of 25 pax. Just pay per day!

Please fill out the inquiry form below for official quotes and brochures. Check out our FAQ section.
HRD Corp Claimable
MOF No: 357-02240271

Related Trainings


To learn Excel VBA training requires basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel. Join our Microsoft Excel Advanced Training to master the techniques of Excel from basic to advanced.

What is Public Training?

Clients can attend the training at our computer lab based on the given date. Pay per person.

Date: Refer to our training calendar

Venue: Computer Lab, MU DOT MY PLT (nearby KLCC)

Syllabus: Predefined course contents

What is In-House Training?

Conduct the training at your office anytime, anywhere. Just pay per day!

  • Up to 25 participants only

  • Training date can be chosen by your company

  • Training content can be personalized