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Sam at WordCamp Jakarta 2017

On NOVEMBER 4, 2017 WordCamp Jakarta was held for the second time at IBIS STYLES HOTEL

SUNTER, JAKARTA. WordCamp is a conference that focuses everything on WordPress. It was a non-formal community-organized event that unites WordPress users just like you and me. Everyone, from casual users to core developers, joined the event and shared ideas to get to know each other.

Our trainer Sam Suresh is one of the speakers who presented a topic about How to get your WordPress website load in less than 3 secs in this WordCamp Jakarta 2017 . This talk is about what should or can do to optimise your WordPress and Server to load your site in less than 3 seconds.

Check Sam’s profile on WordCamp Jakarta 2017 official website here.




Photos by Ivan Kristiano.

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